December 30, 2014
The Solemnity of Mary and 1st. Saturday Mass for January 2015
On January 1st., the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, we will have High Mass at 10:30 am. On January 3rd. we will have our First Saturday Mass for the month at 12:00 noon.
December 26, 2014
Seminarian Christmas greeting and update 2014
The following is a Christmas greeting and update from Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter seminarian Andrew Rapoport, FSSP:
Dear Latin Mass Community,
I wish all of you a very blessed Christmas. I hope everything is going well on the Central Coast.
Things are great here in Nebraska. On the 19th I finished my finals for this semester. This is my first year of Theology and I have enjoyed all of my classes so far, though some were quite challenging. I had Moral Theology, Introduction to Dogmatic Theology, De Deo Uno (the study of the One God), Patristics, Canon Law, Scripture and Latin.
We recently finished construction on a new gymnasium, complete with basketball court, indoor track and weight room. It is great, especially now in the winter when the highs during the day are frequently below freezing.
On the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe we had a Pontifical High Mass with the Bishop of Lincoln, Bishop Conelly in the morning. In the afternoon the seminarians of St. Gregory's Seminary (the Seminary of Lincoln) came over for a basketball game, Vespers and dinner. It was very nice to meet the other seminarians. It was impressive to see them all, including their rector, in cassocks. Everyone enjoyed the evening. We are planning to visit St. Greg's next semester.
On Nov. 22nd. I received the minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte, which are the last of the minor orders before the sub-diaconate. On October 18th my good friend form college, Matthew Gonzalez was tonsured and received the cassock. I had the pleasure of serving at the Pontifical Mass. His family came out from Bakersfield and we had a very nice weekend with them.
I apologize that I have not been more consistent with my updates for the community. I do continue to pray everyday for the community. I am still on the email list, I enjoy receiving updates, prayer requests and hearing about special events.
I ask for your prayers, especially during my holiday travels. I thank all of you who have been praying for my vocation, May God reward you! I look forward to visiting Queen of Heaven in January.
In Jesus and Mary,
Andrew Rapoport, FSSP
Secretary's Note:
The seminarians are required to provide $7,000 for tuition each year. Any financial contributions would be of great assistance.
Fr. Andrew Rapoport, FSSP, was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on May 26th., 2018. You are welcome to watch a video of his ordination here, and read more about it here. Thank you to all who supported Fr. Rapoport throughout the years with prayer and financial help.
If you would like to continue financially supporting Our Lady of Guadalupe seminary, please send donations to:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
7880 West Denton Rd.,
P.O. Box 147
Denton, NE 68339
December 21, 2014
Mass on Christmas Day 2014
Mass for Christmas Day will be at 10:30 am. Weather permitting, we are planning a short reception after Christmas Day Mass. Please join us before you head out after Mass. Food and beverages will be provided by the hospitality committee.
December 9, 2014
Monterey Latin Mass Christmas Outreach to the JMJ Home - 2014
The Monterey Latin Mass Christmas Outreach to the Jesus Mary Joseph Home in Santa Cruz - check your email for details. The community can contact Erin Walbeck to tell her what gift you would like to purchase and for whom. We would like to avoid getting doubles of the listed items. All gifts need to be wrapped and brought to Mass Sunday December 14th. The gifts will be taken to the Jesus Mary Joseph Home on Saturday December 20th. by members of the community.
Our Christmas outreach for the JMJ Home has been very successful. Our little community has come together and fulfilled the gift list of everyone at the home. All the children got everything they wished for and all the moms will receive gift cards. Checks, gift cards and presents poured in, thank you so much. The delivery will happen on Saturday. An update of the day and possible pictures will be forthcoming. Thank you again for your heartfelt generosity. God bless and great joy to all of you during this Advent.
November 29, 2014
1st. Saturday Mass & Feast of the Immaculate Conception - 2014
On Dec. 6th. we will be having our First Saturday Mass at 12:00 noon. Monday, Dec. 8th. is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be at 6:00 pm at Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel.
November 22, 2014
A note from Fr. Nicholas Milich - stand with persecuted Christians
A note from Fr. Nicholas Milich:
Last Sunday I reminded you how traditionally Catholics have stood with the persecuted, those imprisoned for their faith, those condemned to die, their martyrs. I then asked three things of our community: 1) Daily prayer--even a short prayer, but something--for the persecuted Christians of the world. Secondly, contributions of material aid to these who are our own--one suggestion was Aid to the Church in Need (, an organization attached to the Holy See, which tries to provide for the persecuted and endangered throughout the world, and 3 ) Political pressure especially for those cases where the violence against Catholics is tied to a nation, which can in fact be pressured. One of the most striking of those cases is that of Asia Bibi, who is condemned to die in Pakistan. You can write to Sen Diane Feinstein (who has in fact said that she finds the situation horrendously unjust) and Sen. Barbara Boxer, and your local Congressional representative (Sam Farr for most of our people but not all). Here is a story from, surprisingly enough, the New York Times, told largely by Asia Bibi's husband. The headline: Please Don't Abandon Me.
Note: Asia Bibi, a Christian Pakistani woman, was sentenced to death for blasphemy against Islam in 2010. The year before, while picking fruit with Muslim women, she took a sip of water from the local well. She was immediately accused of making the water impure by the other workers, who told her that they could no longer use the well. According to her husband, Ashiq Masih, and others, men and women started beating her and accusing her of making derogatory remarks against the Islamic prophet Muhammad, a charge she denies. Asia is currently in prison waiting to be hanged after losing an appeal on Oct. 16. She has told her story in a memoir, Blasphemy: A Memoir: Sentenced to Death over a Cup of Water, written with French journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet.
Below is an open letter by Ashiq addressed to the world community. (Madam Mayor refers to Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, who has offered her support to Asia.)
Yesterday, I returned from the prison in Multan where my wife, Asia Bibi, was transferred eight months ago. Since Asia was sentenced to death in November 2010 for drinking a glass of water from our village well, my family has lived in constant fear and under death threats. I live in hiding with my five children as near as possible to Asia. She needs us very much to help keep her alive, to bring her medicine and good food when she is sick.
After my wife had spent four long years in prison in terrible conditions, we were hoping that the High Court of Lahore would free my wife. She did not commit blasphemy, never. Since the court confirmed the death sentence on the 16th of October, we do not understand why our country, our beloved Pakistan, is so against us. Our family has always lived here in peace, and we never had any disturbance. We are Christians but we respect Islam. Our neighbors are Muslims and we have always lived well with them in our little village. But for some years now the situation in Pakistan has changed because of just a few people, and we are afraid. Today many of our Muslim friends cannot understand why the Pakistani justice system is making our family suffer so much.
We are now trying our best to present the final case to the Supreme Court before the 4th of December. But we are convinced that Asia will only be saved from being hanged if the venerable President Mammon Hussain grants her a pardon. No one should be killed for drinking a glass of water.
My five children and I have only survived thanks to the protection of a few faithful friends who risk their lives daily to help us. We are the husband and family of Asia Bibi and many people want us to die. Thanks to our friend Anne-Isabelle Tollet, who has become our sister and helped us for four years now, we speak often about what is happening in Paris and the world to help save Asia. Hearing that people are supporting Asia from so far away is so important for us. It helps us to hold on. Every time I visit Asia in prison I tell her the news. Sometimes it gives her the courage to keep going.
Just before taking the ten-hour journey to visit Asia, I learned the wonderful news that Paris is offering to welcome Asia and our family to Paris if she is freed. This is a huge honor and we are very humbled. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to you, Madam Mayor of Paris, and to say that we are immensely grateful for your concern. I hope that one day we will visit you alive, and not dead.
When I visited Asia Bibi yesterday she asked me to give you this message:
“My prison cell has no windows and day and night are the same to me, but if I am still holding on today it is thanks to everyone who is trying to help me. When my husband showed me the photographs of people I have never met drinking a glass of water for me, my heart overflowed. Ashiq told me that the city of Paris is offering to welcome our family. I send my deepest thanks to you Madam Mayor, and to all the kind people of Paris and across the world. You are my only hope of staying alive in this dungeon, so please don’t abandon me. I did not commit blasphemy.”
Ashiq Masih
Pakistan, 17th of November 2014
November 18, 2014
Confirmation Congratulations - 2014
Congratulations to our 8 Confirmati, Confirmed by Bishop Richard Garicia on Nov. 18th. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at Mission Carmel. Our apologies to the Monterey Latin Mass Community that we were unable to send out a general invitation, due to lack of space in the Chapel.
November 3, 2014
Monterey Latin Mass Confirmation - Nov. 18, 2014
We will be having our Confirmation for 2014 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at Mission Carmel on Tuesday, November 18th. at 6:30 pm. There will be Confirmation and Benediction, followed by a small reception in the Parish Hall. Unfortunately, due to the small size of the Chapel, only family will be invited to attend the Confirmation itself. We do ask all of our Community to please pray for our Confirmandi as they approach this very important day in their spiritual life.
October 30, 2014
All Saints and All Souls - 2014
Just a reminder about this complicated weekend:
November 1, is the Feast of All Saints. It coincides with the first
Saturday of the month. For that reason, we cannot have Mass until noon
because of an earlier scheduled Mass at the cemetery. The US Bishops
have decided that this year the feast is not a Holy Day of Obligation
because it falls on a Saturday. It remains a holy day, with or without
the obligation. Many traditionally minded Catholics still consider a
personal day of obligation. At any rate, Mass will be offered.
by the calendar is All Souls Day, but in our community we are bound to
the provisions in effect in the older Missal, in which Sunday remains
Sunday and what is essentially a funeral Mass (for all the souls in
Purgatory) cannot be offered. So we will offer the Mass for the 21st
Sunday after Pentecost. However, we have been asked to bless the altars
in place for the remembrance of All Souls Day that is organized every
year at the cemetery. We will do that after Mass, and mark the day with
a simple procession through the cemetery with prayers for the dead.
Fr. Milich
October 17, 2014
First Holy Communion classes starting
First Holy Communion classes will be starting this coming Sunday, October 19th., 2014. Class will begin at 9:30 am.
October 13, 2014
Cardinal Raymond Burke on the Synod on the Family
Raymond Cardinal Burke, prefect of the Holy See's Apostolic Signatura at the Vatican, on the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops for the Family currently underway in Rome and his chapter in the new book, 'Remaining In the Truth of Christ', on the indissolubility of marriage and his thoughts on Walter Cardinal Kasper's recent proposals to harmonize "fidelity and mercy" in the Church's pastoral approach to divorced and remarried.
An excellent, informative interview, please watch it and then pass it on.
October 4, 2014
St. Anthony's relics to visit the Bay Area, Oct. 26 - Nov. 2, 2014
Saint Anthony's relics are to visit the Santa Clara and San Francisco Bay Area, Oct. 26 - Nov. 2, 2014. The two precious relics are being brought from the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua. One of the reliquaries is the very same reliquary that was kissed by Sister Lucia of Fatima when it was taken to the nuns at the Monastery of Carmelite sisters in Coimbra, Portugal, in January 1995. The closest St. Anthony relic veneration site will be at Our Lady of Peace, 2800 Mission College Blvd. in Santa Clara on Saturday, November 1st. Here is a pdf of the total scheduled locations and times:
September 15, 2014
1st. Saturday Mass for October 2014
October 4th. will be our First Saturday Mass for the month of October. All are invited to join us for Low Mass at 12:00 noon at our Mass site, Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel.
Although tomorrow, the first Saturday of the month, coincides with
the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, and although it is traditional to
bless animals on that day, please consider the limitations.
1) It will be very hot and that could be dangerous for animals left in cars during Mass.
2) Dogs--and I assume other animals--are not permitted in the cemetery.
animals were brought in carriers, and left in cars that were cool, we
could offer a blessing. Otherwise, after Mass, there will be a prayer
for the well-being of these creatures of God whom God has given us for
our good.
When we have a church of our own, it may be easier to do this. For now, we have to respect the rules of the cemetery.
Thank you,
Fr. Nicholas Milich
September 8, 2014
Pontifical Mass in San Francisco
On Sept. 14th. at 6:30 pm the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco will be hosting a Pontifical Mass in San Francisco with the help
of Star of the Sea Catholic Parish, Institute of Christ the King
Sovereign Priest, and many others.
For more information visit their website:
September 1, 2014
First Saturday Mass for September 2014
This upcoming Saturday, Sept. 6th., will be our First Saturday Mass for the month of September. All are invited to join us for Low Mass at 12:00 noon at our Mass site, Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel.
August 16, 2014
September 2014 Latin Mass BBQ
After Mass on Sunday, Sept. 7th we are planning on having a BBQ. We will need volunteers to help set up tables and chairs before Mass, and we will need volunteers to help cook and set out the food after Mass. We will need at least 3 propane BBQ's for cooking the food. Pat Sanchez will have a sign up sheet for the food, or if you can help out with the cost of the meat. We are planning on having hot dogs, hot links, hamburgers, and maybe BBQ chicken. Please email Fr. Milich’s secretary June Ely or see Pat Sanchez after Mass if you can help in any way.
August 4, 2014
July 31, 2014
First Saturday Mass for August 2014
This upcoming Saturday, Aug. 2nd., will be our First Saturday Mass for the month of August. All are invited to join us for Low Mass at noon at our Mass site, Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel. The Mass intention will be for the Christians who are suffering terrible persecution in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.
July 25, 2014
Meriam Ibrahim is free
Meriam Ibrahim is free - thank you for your prayers for her. Through the intersession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us continue to pray for our brethren all over the world that suffer for the One True Faith.
Te Redemptoris Dominique nostri
O beautiful Virgin! we acknowledge thee to be the
Mother of our Savior and God; but thou art, too,
the solace and Help of Christians, in their adversities.
The gates of hell may rage; the old enemy may, in his wrath, stir up anger which may threaten to destroy the people of God;
But this wild passion can do no hurt to those pure souls, whose prayers have won protection and heavenly strength from the Virgin ever Blessed.
If she be our Patroness and help us, the din of wicked war must cease, and our enemies must fall by thousands, or be put to flight.
As on the holy mount of Sion there was a tower and citadel with its well-built wall, and the City of David was safe with its shields and valiant men:
So the Virgin, made strong by the mighty hand of God, and laden with heaven's gifts, wards off from her devoted clients the blows of Satan.
O holy Trinity, to whom all praise is due! grant that we may praise thee through eternal years. May our souls by their faith, and our lips by their hymns, laud thy holy name. Amen
The gates of hell may rage; the old enemy may, in his wrath, stir up anger which may threaten to destroy the people of God;
But this wild passion can do no hurt to those pure souls, whose prayers have won protection and heavenly strength from the Virgin ever Blessed.
If she be our Patroness and help us, the din of wicked war must cease, and our enemies must fall by thousands, or be put to flight.
As on the holy mount of Sion there was a tower and citadel with its well-built wall, and the City of David was safe with its shields and valiant men:
So the Virgin, made strong by the mighty hand of God, and laden with heaven's gifts, wards off from her devoted clients the blows of Satan.
O holy Trinity, to whom all praise is due! grant that we may praise thee through eternal years. May our souls by their faith, and our lips by their hymns, laud thy holy name. Amen
July 16, 2014
Monterey Latin Mass Confirmation 2014
From our Chaplain Fr. Nicholas Milich:
Confirmation is coming, Confirmation is coming...
Every two years we have the privilege of the presence of his Excellency, Bishop Richard Garcia for the sake of conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation. And every two years we find that in addition to the young people, seen as the ordinary recipients of the Sacrament, there are many adults who, for one reason or another, have never been Confirmed. This is the time. The date of the Confirmation is Nov. 18. But preparatory classes are part of the process. For now we need to know who will be receiving the Sacrament. For the "confirmandi" you must 1) be at least 12 years old at the time of reception of the Sacrament. There is no upper age limit, of course. This minimum age is lower than that of most area parishes because of the special circumstances of our community, and comes via the direct permission of Bishop Garcia. There will be no exceptions to the minimum age. 2) You must be attending the Traditional Latin Mass in our community. There will be no exceptions. It is a matter of respecting the integrity of local parishes and the Bishop's own requirement. 3) You must attend the classes. Once we have a list, we will try to find the best time for the sessions. 4) You must have a baptismal certificate. They are fairly easy to obtain in most cases, and if there is a difficulty, we need to know now. Remember that Confirmation is an important part of our spiritual armor. Adults who have not been confirmed have a real need for this Sacrament. And young people, who will soon face all the usual challenges of growing up, need it now. So, please, please sign up now, via our email address, or directly after Mass with Latin Mass Secretary June Ely (just ask around, people will direct you to her). And get to work requesting a copy of the Baptismal certificate.
July 13, 2014
25th. Anniversary of the Jesus Mary Joseph Home, Santa Cruz
You are invited:
One of the charities that our community tithes to is the Jesus Mary Joseph Home in Santa Cruz. All are invited to celebrate the 25th. Anniversary of the JMJ Home on Saturday, Aug. 12th., from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm. There will be music, snacks, and a special guest, Bishop Richard Garcia.
The address is 132 Lennox St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Please RSVP: (831) 419-7899 or
June 30, 2014
Two additional weekday Masses offered this week
A note from Fr. Milich-
There will be two additional weekday Masses offered this week for those who can make it. First, on Wednesday, June 2, the Feast of the Visitation, Mass will be offered at Mission San Juan Bautista at 10:30 a.m. It will be the Mass of the Day, but it will be offered for the blessed repose of the soul of Stanley Iverson, the stepfather of Pam Flanders, one of our community members. All are invited to come and pray for Mr. Iverson and his family. Then on Saturday we have our monthly First Saturday Mass at Queen of Heaven Cemetery at noon.
June 21, 2014
Monterey Bay Area Latin Mass Community 6th. Anniversary
June 17, 2014
Solemnity of Corpus Christi 2014
This upcoming Sunday, June 22nd., is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Mass will be followed by a traditional Procession with the Blessed Sacrament.
Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ) is the solemn commemoration of the Institution of the Holy Eucharist. In it the Church offers homage and gratitude to Christ, who by instituting the Holy Eucharist gave to the Church her greatest treasure.
From St. Thomas Aquinas:
"Desirous that we be made partakers of His divinity, the only-begotten Son of God has taken to Himself our nature so that having become man, He would be enabled to make men gods. Whatever He assumed of our nature He wrought unto our salvation. For on the altar of the Cross He immolated to the Father His own Body as victim for our reconciliation and shed His blood both for our ransom and for our regeneration. Moreover, in order that a remembrance of so great benefits may always be with us, He has left us His Body as food and His Blood as drink under appearances of bread and wine."And
"Material food first changes into the one who eats it, and then, as a consequence, restores to him lost strength and increases his vitality. Spiritual food, on the other hand, changes the person who eats it into itself. Thus the effect proper to this Sacrament is the conversion of a man into Christ, so that he may no longer live, but Christ lives in him; consequently, it has the double effect of restoring the spiritual strength he had lost by his sins and defects, and of increasing the strength of his virtues."
June 12, 2014
Extraordinary Faith television program on EWTN
Extraordinary Faith is a monthly 30 minute television program on EWTN that celebrates the beauty of classical Catholic sacred art, architecture, music, and liturgy. Extraordinary Faith also airs each episode via the their website, here are the first two episodes:
The first episode features the Latin Mass community of Mission San Juan Capistrano:
Here is Episode 2: Boston and the St. Paul Choir School:
June 4, 2014
4th. Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Bethlehem 2014
The 4th. Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Bethlehem at the Carmel Mission is Pentecost weekend, June 6th. - 8th.. Fr. Nicholas A. Milich will be offering Mass for the Pilgrimage on Friday at Mission San Juan Bautista at 8am. A small breakfast will follow. Fr. Milich will also be offering Mass for the conclusion of the Pilgrimage at Mission Carmel at 3pm on Sunday. All are invited to attend both Masses.
Intentions of the Pilgrimage :
● To make Our Lady of Bethlehem known and loved.
● In reparation for the offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
● For the conversion of our own hearts, our families, our state, our country, and the world.
Prayer to Our Lady of Bethlehem
Dear Lady of Bethlehem, Virgin most pure, Mother of our Savior, may the memory of the cold night Thy Divine son was born cause Thy powerful intercession to overcome the world’s coldness towards the Babe of Bethlehem. Let the flames of love from Thy Immaculate Heart conquer the hearts of all thy children.
Do Thou who suffered such great loneliness when Thy Son was taken from Thee, look with pity upon the void in the hearts of those who know and love Him not. Lead them to Him and His Angels and Saints. Do Thou who journeyed wearily to Bethlehem, look down with mercy upon mankind trudging along the way of evil, lost and confused. Guide us to Thy Son and the heavenly home He has prepared for us.
Look down with compassion upon us, as we commend to Thy maternal care the needs of Holy Mother Church, our beloved country, our state and our families. We place all our petitions at Thy blessed feet. Through Thy powerful intercession may God grant us and the whole world the sacred joy of Bethlehem.
Do Thou also regard with favor our beloved Father Junipero Serra, who brought Thy image to this land and whose remains rest in peace in Thy sanctuary. May he who in life held Thee in such great honor and first made Thy Son known on these shores, be found worthy to be raised to the altars of sainthood.
Our Lady of Bethlehem, pray for us, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.
For the history of Our Lady of Bethlehem’s statue please visit
June 1, 2014
First Saturday Mass for June 2014
This coming Saturday, June 7th., will be our First Saturday Mass. Low Mass will be at 12 noon at our Mass site, Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel. Fr. Nicholas A. Milich will be our celebrant.
May 28, 2014
Novena to Our Lady Help of Christians for Meriam Ibrahim
Below please find our Novena to Our Lady Help of Christians for Meriam Ibrahim:
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christians, how sweet it is to come to your feet, imploring your perpetual help. If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children, how can you, the most loving of all mothers, forget us? Grant then to us, we implore you, your perpetual help in all our necessities. We ask for your unceasing help for all who are now suffering for the Faith, most especially for Meriam Ibrahim. Pray for us, O Mary, Help of Christians, that having invoked you on earth, we may love and eternally thank you in heaven.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
May 26, 2014
Please pray for and help Meriam Ibrahim
Dear Community members,
From the beginning,
Catholics have always done all they could to aid and comfort those who
were prisoners for their faith. All those who suffer for Christ need our
prayers, but some cases demand that we be doers of the Word. On Sunday I
spoke of the case of Miriam Ibrahim. For those of you who weren't
there, she is the 27-year-old physician who is in prison in Kartoum,
Sudan, condemned to death for her faith. She is in a jail cell with her
18 month old son and is eight and a half months pregnant with a second
child. Her legs are shackled, swollen, and bleeding. About three years
ago, she married an American citizen, Daniel Wani, who holds dual
citizenship in the two countries and resides in New Hampshire. Earlier
this year she was prosecuted under Sharia (Islamic) law for apostasy
from Islam and adultery--since the Sudanese court considers her a Muslim
who left the faith. What's more, since Muslim women in Sudan (unlike
the men) are not allowed to marry outside Islam, the court also considers
her an adulteress. In fact, Meriam's mother is a Christian and Meriam
was raised as Christian after her Muslim father abandoned the family
and she claims never to have been a Muslim. The court decided otherwise
and sentenced her to 100 lashes for adultery and to be hanged for
apostasy from Islam. She was given four days to return to Islam but
refused. Once she delivers her baby, probably later this month, she can
be flogged--which in itself could endanger her life. Under Sudanese law
she will be able to wean the newborn child before being hanged. Their
American father will have no claim over the children. So far diplomatic
and non-governmental pressure has not had any apparent effect. Please,
please, please pray to save this young woman's life, and this
young family. Also, please take the time to use some of these links to
register a protest with the Sudanese government and to ask for action on
the part of our own government.
Father Nicholas A. Milich
Please contact the Sudanese Embassy in the US on her behalf via this link:
California Senator Dianne Feinstein
California Senator Barbara Boxer
President Barak ObamaPlease contact the Sudanese Embassy in the US on her behalf via this link:
California Senator Dianne Feinstein
California Senator Barbara Boxer
We also will be starting a Novena on her behalf which will be posted here this next week.
May 14, 2014
Ascension Thursday Mass 2014
The Ascension of Our Lord celebrates the day that Christ ascended bodily into Heaven, on the 40th. day of Easter. Join us for Low Mass on Ascension Thursday, May 29th., at 6 pm at our Mass site, Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel.
May 6, 2014
Novena to St. Isidore for rain
Some members of our community will be starting a Novena to St. Isidore for rain, beginning on May 7th. and ending on his feast day, May 15th. If you would like to join in, here is a link to the Novena prayers for each day of the Novena to St. Isidore:
April 29, 2014
1st. Saturday Mass, 1st. Holy Communions, and May Crowning 2014
This Saturday, May 3rd., will be our First Saturday Mass for the month of May. Low Mass begins at 12:00 noon.
This Sunday, May 4th., four children will be making their First Holy Communion. After Mass we will have the May Crowning of Mary, followed by a sit-down potluck in celebration. Please bring a dish to share.
April 19, 2014
April 1, 2014
First Saturday Mass for April 2014
All are invited to join us on April 5th. for our First Saturday Mass. Low Mass will begin at 12:00 noon at our Mass site, Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel. Fr. Nicholas A. Milich will be our celebrant.
March 23, 2014
Easter Triduum 2014
We will be having the full Triduum this year at Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel. The schedule for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday will be posted soon. Easter Sunday will be at our usual time, 10:30 am.
Here is our schedule:
Holy Thursday - 4:00 p.m.
Good Friday - 12:00 noon
Holy Saturday - 4:00 p.m.
March 12, 2014
Monterey Latin Mass Almsgiving
The following list is our monthly tithe schedule for the 2014 year:
January - St. Francis Soup Kitchen, Santa Cruz
February - Jesus Mary Joseph Home, Santa Cruz
March - Guadalupe Pregnancy Maternity Home, Watsonville/Salinas
April - Loaves and Fishes, Watsonville
May - Mission San Juan Bautista Outreach Project
June - Siena House, Santa Cruz
July - St. Francis Soup Kitchen, Santa Cruz
August - Jesus Mary Joseph Home, Santa Cruz
September - Guadalupe Pregnancy Maternity Home, Watsonville/Salinas
October - Loaves and Fishes Thanksgiving Outreach, Watsonville
November - Mission San Juan Bautista Thanksgiving Outreach
December - Siena House, Santa Cruz
March 2, 2014
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and Abstinence. There will be Mass and the Distribution of Ashes on Ash Wednesday, March 5th., starting at 6:00 pm at Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel.
February 26, 2014
First Saturday Mass for March
First Saturday Mass for March is this coming Saturday, March 1st. All are welcome to join us for Low Mass at 12:00 noon at Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel. Fr. Nicholas A. Milich will be our celebrant.
February 3, 2014
Latin Mass Magazine Conference 2014 - Monterey, CA.
Keep the Faith and The Latin Mass: The Journal of Catholic Culture and Tradition, invite you to 12th Annual Monterey Conference to be held the weekend of March 1 and 2, 2014 in beautiful Monterey California. The conference features a number of great speakers, like Fr. Kenneth Baker and Christopher A. Ferrara. Our own Chaplain, Fr. Nicholas Milich, has been a past Celebrant and speaker at the Latin Mass Conference, and writer for Latin Mass Magazine.
Download information flyer here:
For more information, go to:
Note: Due to the requests for a copy of Fr. Nicholas Milich's talk given at the 2010 Latin Mass Conference in Monterey, here is a link to purchase a download of it from Keep The Faith's website. All proceeds go directly to supporting Keep The Faith:
January 28, 2014
The Feast of the Purification
This coming Sunday coincides with the Feast of the Purification, also known as the Presentation, and also known as Candlemas. This has long been one of the beloved festivals of the Catholic people. In England and Ireland, it was a particularly important day, when the candel makers' guilds (an important part of the economy in that time) would bring their wares to the local parish church and offer them to the parish. Candles are to be blessed before Mass, recalling that Christ is the Light of the World. So...if you have candles to be blessed, bring them. Be sure you are there before Mass. We will also provide enough candles for each individual or family. We have chosen candles that will not drip on the floor. This is of special importance. We will bless all candles, but we ask that any candles used in the rite at the beginning of Mass be equipped to catch melting wax so that none of it drips on the floor. As you know, we only rent the chapel at Queen of Heaven and we wish to be respectful to the site. Also we would ask that no small children carry candles. Every priest has known at least one or two incidents of children being burned or burning another accidentally during such rites. The candles will not be burning for a terribly long time, so at the very least exercise parental oversight on this, and on the question of dripping wax. The rite should start at 10:30 and candles to be blessed must be in place before then. Thank you for your cooperation and your commitment to things Catholic.
Fr. Milich
January 26, 2014
January 7, 2014
Walk for Life West Coast 2014
Walk for Life West Coast 2014 – January 25
Join fellow Catholics and Pro-Lifers from
all over California and beyond as we stand up for the littlest among us
at the 10th. Annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on January
25, 2014. The pre-walk rally begins at 12:30PM in San Francisco’s Civic
Center Plaza, and the Walk for Life, down the city’s Market Street,
begins at 1:30. Last year’s Walk drew 40,000+ people and eleven Catholic
bishops and a personal message from then Pope Benedict XVI. For
complete information about the Walk, visit .
The San Fransisco Traditional Latin Mass Society will be participating in
the Walk for Life Info Faire at the Civic Center Plaza. Fliers and other informational materials on the Traditional Latin
Mass will be distributed. Volunteers are needed! Please e-mail the
Society at If anyone can help out and volunteer at the San Francisco Latin Mass
booth, they will be at table #20 of Tent One (facing toward Grove Street
and the EWTN Stage).
There is also a High Mass at the Carmelite Monastery of Christo Rey at 10:00 a.m. prior to the start of the Walk for Life.
At 5:00 p.m. after the 2014 Walk for Life West Coast, join us for a
Solemn High Mass for Life in the Extraordinary Form at the National Shrine of
Saint Francis of Assisi, 610 Vallejo St. in North Beach, San Francisco. This is
about a 20 minute walk from the end point of the Walk for Life. Fr. Francisco
Nahoe, OFM Conv, Rector of Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral in Reno, NV will be
celebrant. Saint Anne's Choir of Palo Alto, directed by Prof William Mahrt,
will sing/chant the Mass.
January 2, 2014
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