September 26, 2015

First Saturday Mass for October, 2015

There will be First Saturday Mass on October 3rd. at 12:00 noon. Confession will be available before Mass between 11:30 - 11:50 am. There will be recitation of the Rosary after Mass for those who would like to attend.

September 23, 2015

Saint Junipero Serra!

With great joy in the Diocese of Monterey, California, on this day that Fr. Junipero Serra is canonized a Saint, is the following from a St. Anthony's Guild prayer card from 1954:

Junipero Serra, the Franciscan Missionary and Apostle of California, is known for his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He sought "the gold and silver of the Indies - the gold of immortal souls and the silver crown of martyrdom," and left his "Rosary of Missions" along California's El Camino Real, from which has sprung most of what is holy and most of what is cultural in the far western part of the United States.


O Lord Jesus Christ, you have rewarded the apostolic zeal of Thy servant Junipero Serra, who, leaving home and fatherland, labored for the salvation of souls in Mexico and California. Thou hast graciously deigned by evident signs and prodigies to glorify him, so that for the exaltation of Thy Most Holy Name he was raised to the honors of the altar. Grant that through his merits I may obtain the grace I desire. Amen.

Saint Junipero Serra, Apostle of California, pray for us~

September 16, 2015

First Holy Communion classes 2015-16

First Holy Communion classes will be starting up again this Fall, with the first class on October 4th. before Mass. If you are interested in having your child in the class, please email to sign up. Thank you Mary Clark for teaching our classes again this year~

September 7, 2015

Our Lady of Fatima Rosary, 9/13/2015

This coming Sunday, Sept. 13th., there will be a Rosary in honor of Our Lady of Fatima after High Mass. All are invited to attend and pray with us - the Rosary will be in front of the new statue of Our Lady of Fatima at our Mass site, Queen of Heaven Cemetery Chapel.


September 2, 2015

Latin Mass Picnic, Sept. 2015

 From Latin Mass hospitality:
There will be a potluck after Mass on Sunday, Sept. 6th. We have some new families, folks are returning from vacation, and school is starting, so let's get together for a potluck and some fellowship after Mass. Bring either a salad, main dish, side dish, dessert, or drinks to share. Oh, and bring a friend too. Tables, chairs, and a BBQ will be set up and paper plates, napkins, etc. will be provided.